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Film Tourism Agency in Chhattisgarh

Film Tourism Film Tourism

Film Tourism (Film Tourism Agency) or film-induced tourism is a specialized or niche form of tourism where visitors explore locations and destinations which have become popular due to their appearance in films and television series. The term also encompasses tours to production studios as well as movies or television-related parks.

Films, documentaries, TV-productions and commercials inspire people to experience the locations seen in the content screened, and to explore new destinations. Film tourism is an excellent vehicle for destination marketing and also creates opportunities for product and community entrepreneur development such as location tours or film heritage museums to name but a few.

Film-induced tourism and destination branding are one of the fastest growing sectors in tourism currently.  However, there are some key issues that need to be considered before promoting a location for film productions and tourism.

Trips N Trippers providing Film Shootings Arrangements in Chhattisgarh

Permissions Assistant

Permissions Assistant

Man Power Resources

local Artist, Cinematographer, Cameramen or Choreographer any types of man power rsources we cah serve.

Location Suggestion

Location Suggestion

Vanity Van

Vanity Van

Film Shootings Setup

Film Shootings Setup



Ground handling

Ground handling

Fooding & Lodging

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