Agritourism Agency in Chhattisgarh - Trips N Trippers
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Trips N Trippers / Agri Tourism Agency in Chhattisgarh – Trips N Trippers

Agri Agri Tourism

Agritourism is a form of commercial enterprise that links agricultural production and/or processing with tourism to attract visitors onto a farm, ranch, or other agricultural business for the purposes of entertaining or educating the visitors while generating income for the farm, ranch, or business owner.


Agri tourism in India

85% of India’s population is directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture and allied activities. Similarly, agriculture accounts for 26% of India’s GDP. Maharashtra and Kerala are the states in India that are taking advantage of the potential of agritourism.

In Maharashtra, It is promoted by the Agri Tourism Development Corporation. Kuttanad, Wayanad, Palakkad and Idukki are some of the important agricultural areas in Kerala.

The ‘Green Farm’ project launched by the Government of Kerala is aimed at promoting agri-tourism in Kerala. Apart from Kerala and Maharashtra, Nagaland and Sikkim are also successful agri-tourism states.

Trips N Trippers as a Agri-tourism Agency

Trips N Trippers provides agri-tourism based services around all over Chhattisgarh.

Trips N Trippers as an Agritourism company would specialize in creating and organizing agritourism experiences for visitors. We work with local farmers to create unique and authentic experiences for visitors interested in learning more about rural life and agricultural production.

This could include offering tours of local farms, arranging for visitors to participate in agricultural activities and workshops, coordinating overnight stays on working farms, and providing transportation and guides.

Additionally, We also provide visitors with the opportunity to purchase farm-fresh products, such as produce, meat, and crafts, directly from the farmers.

Rural tourism 

Rural tourism is a tourism that focuses on actively participating in a rural lifestyle. It is a variant of Ecotourism. Many villages can facilitate tourism because many villagers are hospitable and eager to welcome or host visitors.

Agriculture has become more mechanized and requires less manual labor. This trend is causing economic pressure on some villages, which in turn causes young people to move to urban areas.