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Trips N Trippers / Posts tagged "Delhi Airport"
In-Flight Wi-Fi Services
9 Nov

Vistara Makes History with In-Flight Wi-Fi Services

In a significant development, Vistara has etched its name in the annals of Indian aviation history as the first airline in the country to offer in-flight Wi-Fi services. This pioneering move enables passengers to maintain connectivity with the world above the clouds using their smartphones, tablets, and laptops. While Vistara proudly claims the first-mover status within India, it's worth noting that in-flight Wi-Fi services have become commonplace on several international carriers, especially during long-haul flights. With this latest offering, Vistara joins the ranks of airlines around the world that provide this...

Airport Capacity
8 Aug

Delhi & Mumbai Airports: 74M & 60M Monthly Capacities

India's aviation sector continues its rapid growth trajectory and holds the esteemed position of being the world's third-largest domestic aviation market. With an impressive tally of 30 operational international airports, the country is diligently working to elevate its airport infrastructure and processes to accommodate this flourishing growth, as highlighted by VK Singh, the Minister of State in the Ministry of Civil Aviation. He further underscored that Delhi Mumbai airport, with capacities of 74 million and 60 million passengers respectively, are leading the charge. During a recent session in the Rajya Sabha,...