“North Bengal Animals Park debuts Lion Safari.”
Exciting developments are underway as the West Bengal Forest Department collaborates with North Bengal Animals Park authorities to introduce the state's inaugural lion safari at the animal park in Siliguri. Scheduled to kick off in the first week of January next year, the safari will feature a pair of female lions from Alipur Zoo in Kolkata and another pair from Tripura. The construction of a spacious 20-acre enclosure, complemented by night shelters, is currently in its final stages. Kamal Sarkar, the Director of the park, shared insights into this upcoming venture, revealing...
Exploring Kurseong: Time-Traveling Through Iconic Tea Gardens and Train Adventures
Kurseong, the unassuming town tucked away in the Darjeeling district of West Bengal, may not initially strike you as a spectacular destination, often overshadowed by its larger and trendier counterparts. However, a second look reveals the hidden treasures that make Kurseong a place worth exploring. This quaint hill station, situated on the Hill Cart Road, serves as a vital link between two major commercial hubs, Siliguri and Darjeeling. What sets Kurseong apart is its reputation for housing some of the region's most prestigious tea gardens, where the journey of your favorite...