Cricket World Cup Final Spurs Soaring Accommodation Prices and Airfares in Ahmedabad - Travel News
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 / Travel News  / Cricket World Cup Final Spurs Soaring Accommodation Prices and Airfares in Ahmedabad
19 Nov

Cricket World Cup Final Spurs Soaring Accommodation Prices and Airfares in Ahmedabad

As the highly anticipated cricket World Cup final clash between India and Australia approaches at Ahmedabad’s Narendra Modi Stadium this upcoming Sunday, a surge in hotel room tariffs and airfares to the city has been triggered.

Responding to the heightened demand, premier five-star hotels in Ahmedabad are quoting rates as high as Rs 2 lakh for the night of the match, while other hotels are also increasing prices by five to seven times.

The excitement for the World Cup final extends beyond India, with enthusiasts from places like Dubai, Australia, and South Africa expressing keen interest in attending the match, as noted by Narendra Somani, President of the Federation of Hotel and Restaurant Association of Gujarat. Anticipating an influx of 30,000 to 40,000 spectators from outside the region, the Narendra Modi Stadium, with a capacity exceeding 1.20 lakh people, is poised for a diverse audience.

World Cup Final

High demand during World Cup Final

Due to the high demand for hotel rooms, rates have experienced a significant surge, ranging between Rs 50,000 and Rs 1.25 lakh for rooms that were previously available at nominal rates. This trend is expected to extend to surrounding towns as the match day approaches.

Flight ticket prices have also undergone a substantial surge from various destinations to Ahmedabad, compared to normal rates. For instance, flights from Chennai, usually priced at around Rs 5,000, are now ranging from Rs 16,000 to Rs 25,000. The overall increase in airfares is attributed to the heightened demand for Ahmedabad from various locations.

Online rates on hotel booking platforms reveal that five-star hotels are commanding around Rs 2 lakh per night. Established hotels like ITC Narmada and Hyatt Regency are quoting rates exceeding Rs 2 lakh for the night of the match. Even non-star hotels are capitalizing on the rush by raising their rates by five to seven times. Hotel Crown on C G Road, which typically charges Rs 3,000 to Rs 4,000 per night, has increased its rate to over Rs 20,000.

Despite the escalated costs, cricket fans seem willing to pay a premium to be part of this unique opportunity and witness India playing in the finals on home turf, reflecting the increasing demand for hotels and tickets.