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Trips N Trippers / Posts tagged "France"
unesco site
30 Aug

A look 10 countries with utmost UNESCO World Heritage spots

As of 2024, there are 1,223 UNESCO World Heritage spots worldwide, honored for their global artistic, literal, or natural significance. Then are the top 10 countries with the loftiest number of these prestigious spots Italy( 60) Italy leads with 60 UNESCO World Heritage spots, reflecting its unequaled literal and artistic wealth. These spots gauge from ancient Roman armature to Renaissance masterpieces, including the Colosseum in Rome, the remains of Pompeii and Herculaneum, and the major centers of Florence and Venice. China( 59) China follows with 59 World Heritage spots, representing its vast artistic and...

3 Jul

India to Inaugurate World’s Largest Museum at Raisina Hill by 2025

Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat recently announced that India will convert the North and South Blocks of Delhi's Raisina Hill complex into the world's largest museum by 2025. This ambitious project aims to create a museum nearly twice the size of France's Louvre. Shekhawat shared this revelation with the media, expressing his pride in being part of this historic initiative. Agreement with France - Largest Museum France and India have signed an agreement to facilitate this monumental endeavor. The Minister mentioned that they will complete the Central Vista redevelopment project in...

Church around the globe
29 Nov

Absolutely Stunning! Discover the Most Exquisite Churches Around the Globe

Our world boasts a collection of breathtaking churches that stand as testaments to architectural brilliance, each telling a unique story of cultural and historical significance. Among the myriad of churches, some have gained global recognition for their extraordinary designs and meticulous details. Let's delve into a closer examination of some of the most beautiful churches worldwide: St Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, Italy Renowned for its Renaissance architecture and iconic dome, St. Peter's Basilica stands as one of the world's oldest churches, crafted by the masterful hands of Michelangelo. An architectural wonder, this...

15 Nov

Beloved Destinations in Europe for Travelers

Europe stands as a treasure trove of history, culture, and natural wonders, captivating visitors from around the globe with its iconic landmarks, charming cities, and diverse landscapes. Here, we explore the European countries that have won the hearts of travelers, inviting them to delve into rich histories, savor delectable cuisines, and soak in vibrant atmospheres. Spain With a staggering 47 UNESCO World Heritage sites, Spain boasts a wealth of Atlantic and Mediterranean beaches, along with a multitude of festivals attracting global participants. The coastal regions, often likened to tropical islands, add to...

24 Jul

एफिल टॉवर – दुनिया के सात अजूबों में से एक

एफिल टॉवर फ्रांस की राजधानी पेरिस में स्थित एक लौह टॉवर है। इसका निर्माण 1887-1889 में पेरिस में हुआ था। यह टावर विश्व में उल्लेखनीय निर्माणों में से एक और फ्रांस की संस्कृति का प्रतीक है। फ्रांस की शान पेरिस में स्थित एफिल टॉवर पर्यटकों को आकर्षित करने वाली ये इमारत विश्व के सात अजूबों में शामिल है। बता दें, इस इमारत का निर्माण 1889 में फ्रांस में आयोजित हुए विश्व मेले के एंट्री गेट के रूप में किया था। बाद में इस टावर को तोडऩे की भी प्लानिंग की...