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Trips N Trippers / Posts tagged "Ladakh"
Magnetic hill
16 May

Ladakh’s Magnetic Hill Explained : Unraveling the Mystery

Ladakh's Magnetic Hill has become a global sensation, drawing tourists from far and wide with its enigmatic allure. Situated along the Leh-Kargil-Batalik national highway, this peculiar spot has left visitors puzzled as vehicles appear to defy gravity and roll uphill effortlessly. But what's the real story behind Ladakh's Magnetic Hill? Contrary to popular belief, the phenomenon witnessed at Ladakh's Magnetic Hill isn't due to mysterious magnetic forces pulling vehicles uphill. Instead, it's a captivating optical illusion crafted by the surrounding landscape. Despite its appearance, the hill is actually a downhill slope. The...

Chadar Trek
4 Dec

Chadar Trek: India’s Ultimate Trekking Experience

Undoubtedly, the Chadar Trek stands as one of India's most exceptional trekking adventures. Tailored for the daring rather than the faint-hearted, it emerges as a breathtaking and demanding winter trek, earning its name from the chadar, or icy blanket, that envelops the Zanskar River during the winter months. The frozen river metamorphoses into a formidable yet spectacular icy trail, presenting an unparalleled challenge for enthusiasts. To embark on this extraordinary journey, one must find themselves in the Zanskar Valley of the Ladakh region between December and February. The freezing process typically...

29 Aug

सितंबर में भारत की इन खूबसूरत जगहों की करें सैर, जल्द बना लें प्लान

मॉनसून तकरीबन खत्म होने वाला है साथ ही सितंबर का महीना भी आने वाला है। यह मौसम कई मायनों में घूमने के लिए खास होता है। एक तरफ बरसात के बाद धरती हरी चादर ओढ़े दिखाई देती है तो वहीं इस दौरान बहुत ज्यादा गर्मी नहीं पड़ती।ऐसे में सितंबर का महीना काफी सही माना जाता है। सितंबर महीने में भारत की कई खूबसूरत जगहों पर फेस्टिवल्स का आयोजन होता है। अगर आप भी कहीं घूमने का प्लान बना रहे हैं तो आज हम आपको भारत की कुछ खूबसूरत जगहों के...