Jitendra Kumar Shukla Embarks on a New Journey - Travel News
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Trips N Trippers / India  / Chhattisgarh  / Jitendra Kumar Shukla Embarks on a New Journey
11 Aug

Jitendra Kumar Shukla Embarks on a New Journey

In a whirlwind of administrative changes, a star rises in Chhattisgarh’s tourism landscape. Meet Shri Jitendra Kumar Shukla (IAS), the Maestro of the 2011 Chhattisgarh cadre of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), as he assumes the prestigious role of Managing Director of the Chhattisgarh Tourism Board.

Jitendra Kumar Shukla Takes the Helm

Jitendra Kumar Shukla Takes the Helm: A New Voyage for Chhattisgarh Tourism!

A Trailblazer with a Rescue Touch: As Shukla steps into the spotlight, his trailblazing career and remarkable achievements precede him. Renowned for a daring rescue operation, where he saved young Rahul from the edge of danger, Shukla’s exemplary leadership and management skills shine bright.

More Feathers in His Cap: The responsibilities bestowed upon Jitendra Kumar Shukla go beyond the tourism realm, as he is also entrusted with the Directorship of the Food, Civil Supplies, and Consumer Protection Department.

A Journey of Innovation Begins: Today marks the official commencement of Shukla’s transformative reign. The tourism department eagerly awaits his innovative strategies, poised to propel Chhattisgarh as the go-to destination for travelers and tourists alike. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure!