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 / Posts tagged "Travel Events"
23 Jul

Union Budget 2024: Major Tourism and Infrastructure Boost for Bihar

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has unveiled a comprehensive initiative to enhance tourism and infrastructure in Bihar during the Union Budget 2024, with a focus on historical and religious sites. A key highlight is the development of Nalanda as a prominent tourist center, coupled with the revitalization of the historic Nalanda University. The Mahabodhi Temple corridor in Bodhgaya is set to undergo a significant transformation, modeled after the renowned Kashi Vishwanath temple corridor. Additionally, both the Vishnupad Temple in Gaya and the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya will be upgraded to world-class heritage...

CG Tourism
3 Jul

छत्तीसगढ़ में पर्यटन सुविधाएं बढ़ाने हुआ विचार मंथन बैठक

छत्तीसगढ़ को पूरे देश में पर्यटन के क्षेत्र में अग्रणी राज्य बनाने तथा राज्य की संस्कृति को संरक्षित करने आज राज्य नीति आयोग में गहन विचार-विमर्श किया गया। बैठक में छत्तीसगढ़ के विजन डॉक्यूमेंट 2047 तैयार करने के लिए वर्किंग ग्रुप के सदस्यों ने अपने विचार रखे। अटल नगर, नया रायपुर स्थित राज्य नीति आयोग के सभाकक्ष में समिति के सदस्यों ने इस विषय पर लघु, मध्यम एवं दीर्घकालिक लक्ष्यों पर सुझाव दिए। बैठक में सदस्यों ने राज्य के पर्यटन स्थलों में अधोसंरचना विकास के लिए तथा पर्यटन की आवश्यकताओं के...

14 May

Dubai Launches Air Taxis: Citywide Travel in 10 Minutes!

Dubai has unveiled an innovative air taxi service, marking a groundbreaking advancement in urban transportation. Spearheaded by the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), this pioneering initiative is poised to redefine travel within the city. Travelers can avail themselves of this aerial mode of transportation for a minimum fare of 350 dirhams per person. Set to commence operations by the year's end, the air taxi service promises swift and secure mobility, linking various destinations across the Emirate in just 10 minutes. Operated by a leading US-based aviation company, these air taxis have been...

14 May

Summer Escapes: 5 Unforgettable Road Trips for Your Ultimate Break!

As summer unfurls its scorching heat, many of us yearn for the sanctuary of cool hilltops or the invigorating sea breeze along coastal retreats. And what better way to evade the sweltering temperatures and uncover the nation's beauty than embarking on a road trip? From snow-kissed peaks to pristine shorelines, there's a plethora of scenic routes tailor-made for summer adventures. Here are five remarkable road trips that promise excitement, serenity, and indelible memories. Manali to Leh-Ladakh The legendary Manali-Leh Highway is a mecca for road trip aficionados. Spanning about 479 km, this...

6 May

Exploring the Marvels of Nature: Kanger Valley National Park in Chhattisgarh

Nestled within the enchanting landscapes of the Bastar region, Kanger Valley National Park stands as a veritable treasure trove awaiting discovery by nature enthusiasts and wildlife aficionados alike. Spanning an expansive area of around 200 square kilometers, this biodiverse sanctuary beckons with its verdant foliage, pristine cascades, and captivating geological formations. At the heart of Kanger Valley National Park lies a wonderland of geological marvels, prominently featured by its awe-inspiring stalactite and stalagmite caves. Among these, the Kutumsar Cave steals the spotlight, stretching approximately 200 metres adorned with mesmerizing limestone formations....

6 May

Exploring India’s Architectural Marvels: 5 Iconic Bridges across the nation

India boasts a landscape adorned with natural wonders and architectural marvels, including some breathtaking bridges that seamlessly connect its diverse regions. Let's delve into the realm of engineering and aesthetics as we unravel five of India's most iconic bridges that are sure to leave you spellbound. Howrah Bridge, Kolkata, West Bengal: Standing majestically over the Hooghly River, the Howrah Bridge in Kolkata is a timeless masterpiece of lattice work. Serving as a vital link between Kolkata and its bustling suburbs, this cantilever bridge is not just a transportation lifeline but also a...

6 May

Sikkim’s Sanglaphu Lake Welcomes Visitors!

Exciting news emanates from Sikkim as Sanglaphu Lake in the Mangan district opens its gates to the public for the very first time in history! Formerly inaccessible to tourists, this high-altitude lake, known locally as Sanglaphu Cho, sits majestically at an awe-inspiring altitude of 5080m (16,670ft), approximately 5 km from Yumesamdong, also known as Zero Point, near Lachung. Regarded as the "Great Lake," Sanglaphu Cho holds profound religious significance, attracting locals who seek blessings and offer prayers amidst its pristine surroundings of snow-capped peaks and unspoiled wilderness. The inauguration of the lake...

6 May

Nakshatra Sabha: India’s Astro Tourism Campaign

Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board, in collaboration with Starscapes, pioneers in astro-tourism, proudly presents Nakshatra Sabha, India's inaugural astro tourism campaign. More than just stargazing, Nakshatra Sabha offers an immersive experience, inviting participants to delve into a realm of celestial wonders amidst the breathtaking beauty of Uttarakhand. A Nakshatra Sabha Celestial Journey Nakshatra Sabha transcends mere observation, offering an array of activities including stargazing, solar observations, astrophotography contests, and camping beneath the star-studded sky. Designed to captivate astronomy enthusiasts, adventurers, and travelers alike, this initiative aims to foster a deep appreciation for the...

canary islands
29 Mar

Canary Islands: Heavy Fines Imposed for Sand and Pebble Collection on Beaches

Vacation memories often include souvenirs, but if you're fond of collecting sand and pebbles from beaches, think twice before doing so on Lanzarote and Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands. Recent reports reveal hefty fines ranging from INR 13,478 to INR 2.69 lakh for individuals caught removing natural materials from these islands' beaches. The decision to enforce fines stems from the significant loss of volcanic material on Lanzarote's shores annually and the depletion of sand from Fuerteventura's iconic Popcorn Beach. With a surge in visitor numbers and extreme drought conditions exacerbating resource...

Ram Mandir
1 Mar

शिल्पकला का उत्कृष्ट नमूना है राजिम का सबसे प्राचीन श्री रामचंद्र मंदिर

राजिम में स्थित श्री रामचंद्र मंदिर का इतिहास काफी पुराना है। मंदिर में लगे शिलालेखों तथा पुरातत्व विभाग द्वारा लगे सूचना बोर्ड से ज्ञात होता है कि इस मंदिर का निर्माण कल्चुरि सामंतो द्वारा ग्यारहवीं शताब्दीं में किया गया था। इस मंदिर में भगवान गणेश जी की एक नृत्य करती हुई मूर्ति है जो पुरातत्ववेत्ता के अनुसार काफी पुरानी है जिसे पुरातत्व विभाग द्वारा विशेष संरक्षण प्राप्त है। मंदिर के गर्भगृह में पाषाण स्तंभो पर उकेरा गया शिल्प बहुत ही मनमोहक है जो कल्चुरि कालीन संस्कृति और सभ्यता दर्शाती है। मंदिर...